Wounded Pigeon Turns into Surrogate Dad To Tiny Puppies In Want

A caring woman picked up this poor pigeon on the street in the United States. He was very weak, and could not eat, fly, or even lift his head. But luckily, he later ended up in the good hands of a woman named Sue. She had cared for birds before and knew how to help. So when she met this pigeon, the woman immediately decided to save the little life.
The pigeon was named Herman and she took him home with her. She and her husband fed him from a tube on a schedule and took care of him, restoring him to health. Later, they also discovered that the bird had a congenital tilt of the head to the side but it didn’t interfere with him in any way.
The pigeon was very grateful to the rescuer and turned out to be an extremely gentle and loving creature. So loving, in fact, that he became friends with one of the puppies Sue was taking care of. It was as if he had an incentive and an important mission when he began spending time with the little rescued Chihuahua. Herman took on the role of guardian and was by the pup’s side all the time.
These two are impossible to look at without being touched – they are constantly together, playing, sleeping, and cuddling. Later Herman began to take care of the other puppies, which the guardian cared for, and became their nurse. And the puppies themselves fell in love with this good-natured pigeon in return. So cute!