Wild Animal Is Transported By Car And Loves To Ride Shotgun In The Front

Model Veronika Dichka lives in Novosibirsk and loves being photographed with bears. This fearless 24-year-old often participates in photo shoots with them cuddling. She recently took a bear named Stompy in the front seat of her car.
Stompy is a well-mannered, trained bear. He has a owner – Maya Kirsanova, who happily allows Veronika, who knows him, to be photographed with the bear. According to her, they even went to nature together so that Toptyshka could walk around the lawns.
Many people are afraid, of seeing a fragile girl with a huge bear, but Veronica admits that on the contrary, she feels calmer next to the bear.
“While travelling in the car, Toptyzhka behaves quite calmly, although he sometimes loves to play with the seat belt by pulling it out,” Dichka said.”He is an inquisitive bear and the main thing he was interested in was the steering wheel. He was also having a great time turning on and off the light with his nose,’ she said, adding that Toptyzkha “always has a positive attitude towards car trips because of his curious nature. I am often asked if I am afraid of bears, but I would say, on the contrary, I feel safe with Toptyzhka.”