“Werewolf” Kitten Looks Nothing Like The Rest Of Her Family

An American woman named Brianna kept two pregnant cats in her care. Once these beauties were found together on the street, but after that, they ended up in the hands of a caring foster mom. After a while, both cats gave birth to six kittens six days apart.
Everything went perfectly – Brianna helped the cats with the birth as an experienced caregiver. She noticed right away that the kitten of one of the cats was clearly different from the others. The little kitty looked more like a wolf cub than a kitten.
“As a birth photographer and doula, I was super excited to be there for not one but two kitty births and offer support to the mommas if they needed it,” Waltman told The Dodo. “After about a week, the moms started to share a bed, and we helped to put all the babies together so the bigger mom could help feed the babies that couldn’t get enough milk from the smaller mom. It was so beautiful to watch the two become moms and share the responsibility of motherhood.”
The unusual little girl was given the nickname Gracie. She was the weakest and least active of the kittens, and her hair was actively falling out all over her body. When Brianna showed her to the vet, she realized what was wrong.
“Gracie lost her entire coat and was completely bald for about a week until peach fuzz started to grow back in,” Waltman said. “Once it started to grow, it was a speckled black and white. I thought it was cute and, again, thought it was because of the fever.”
It turned out to be a special natural mutation of the fur of the domestic short-haired cat. It has been seen in domestic cats for the past 20 years, and it does not prevent the animal from living a normal life. Such cats have minimal or no undercoat, and they really look like werewolves or wolves.
Although Gracie was weak at first, she grew stronger with the help of her caregiver. As she grew older, she began to run, play, communicate with her kin, and take an interest in everything, just like the most ordinary kitten. And her beauty is unique! We wish this little one the best owners as soon as possible.
“Gracie is just like any other house cat,” Waltman said. “She naps a lot, plays with her toys as soon as I go to bed, she chases her tail and loves to catch the red dot from the laser pointer.”