Touching moments of a lion and his cub. This is impressive!!!

 Touching moments of a lion and his cub. This is impressive!!!

You might think that all emotional moments are shown in cartoons, but here is the proof of negative picture. Beautiful and touching moments exist between animals and their child as well. A huge lion hugs his whelp, which is emotional. Fortunately, the camera could fix them.

This has been done due to a french photographer, who’s aim was to make a documental story, when during filming noticed the emotional moment of child and a parent. The dad was hugging his baby, cuddling and playing with him. In spite of being animal’s king and associated with hard character, lion also have deep feelings, warm hurt and can love softly as he does in the picture.

This splendid pictures went viral and attracted human’s heart. That’s normal because you can not pass by this pictures without emotions.

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