To save the 10-year-old child, the brave tiny dog battled off an approaching coyote.

 To save the 10-year-old child, the brave tiny dog battled off an approaching coyote.

After protecting her small pal, Macy, a Yorkie puppy, became a hero.

A gigantic coyote followed the dog and her little owner Lily as they were out walking. The girl began to flee, yelling for aid and losing the dog’s leash.

At that point, the brave little dog began attacking him in order to protect her comrade.

Macy’s action did’t go without obstacles. She was severely injured, broke her leg and needed a surgery.

We all know that dogs are faithful companions who are brave enough to save their master’s life. As a result, their efforts to help others ought to be recognized. We must respect their loyalty.

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