Tiny Kitten Drenched in Pouring Rain Grabs onto Woman and Strives for Better Life

A kind woman in Florida spotted this little guy soaking in the rain. The poor thing was very small, but his mother or other kittens weren’t around. The baby was squeaking loudly, trying to get attention.
A woman took the baby to her car, warmed him up, and took him to AnimalLuvr’s shelter. The shelter determined that the kitten was about two weeks old. He was very hungry, and despite his condition, he willingly drank milk from a bottle right away.
After bathing and eating, the kitten calmed down and only asked for affection and love, purring loudly. The next day they took him to a holding center. The little kitty was so happy and grateful for all the care he was given.
“The Good Samaritan fed him proper milk with a kitten bottle per her vet’s recommendation,” Nadija, foster volunteer of AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue, shared with Love Meow. “Thankfully, our rescue had an open foster home, and the same day he moved in.”
“He is covered in ringworm but thankfully it doesn’t bother him one bit as ringworm is not painful. We are treating it with medicated baths and topical creams, and anticipate he will be over it in a few weeks.”
The caregivers fed him hourly and took sensitive care of him. Within two weeks, this handsome boy became lively and active, and visibly recovered. The kitten turned out to be very affectionate – he asked loudly for affection from the caretakers after each feeding.
Now, this little guy has grown and continues to delight everyone around him with his little victories. He loves to sleep with his plush friend – a toy in the form of a dog, and still loves to lie in the arms of his caretakers and purr.
“Little man is doing so well and is cute as a button.”
When the kitten grows up, they will find a permanent family for him. Let’s wish this miracle to find the best home!