This Little Dog Peeking Over A Fence Is Making People Uncomfortable
A photo of this dog recently appeared on Twitter and gained thousands of likes. It was accidentally spotted by a passerby walking through a neighborhood in the United States. At that moment, the dog was sitting on a fence and looking right at him and its unusual appearance made it look a little scary.
“Junebug is, without a doubt, the sweetest dog you could ever meet,” Tim said. “She loves people. And everyone who meets her falls in love with her. She’s just the sweetest little thing in the world.”
The dog just kept looking at him. He decided to walk away after taking a picture of it. Then the dog’s owners were found via social networks.
It turned out her name was Junebug. This dog happily lives with loving owners. He has an unusual appearance, her eyes are different colors, and the color of her muzzle is black and white. But in fact, Junebug is charming and won’t hurt a fly in life.
“We have a privacy fence in our backyard,” Tim said. “Every once in a while, Junebug wants to see what’s happening on the other side of the fence, and I’ll pick her up and hold her. We let her look over. For us, it was just a cute photo,” he added. “It wasn’t until people started commenting … she’s got such an intense look on her face.”
It turns out that Junebug loves to watch what’s going on near the house from behind the fence. The owners let her stay with them for a while so that she can look around. It was during one of those moments that a passerby caught the doggie. That’s how she became a star!
“We’ve always been dog people. She’s a member of our family,” Tim said. “If Junebug knew about all of the attention she was getting, she’d be over the moon.”