This Japanese diver and the huge fish he rehabilitated have shared an unlikely connection for almost 25 years.

Many people automatically think of pets when they think about human-animal friendship. However, there are residents in the wild that require our assistance.
Even if they dwell in a watery environment. Hiroyuki Arakawa is well aware of this. Several decades ago, in the Japanese city of Tateyama on the bay, a friendship tale began. Hiroyuki’s employment is unique in that he must dive into the sea every day to maintain a Shinto (Japanese religion) shrine beneath the ocean’s surface.
While diving 30 years ago, a guy witnessed a sheepshead wrasse. Yoriko was the name he gave the fish later. Their friendship grew quickly, and they both looked forward to their daily encounters. Yoriko’s life was saved by Arakawa throughout the years. He realized something was wrong with the fish when she couldn’t acquire food on her own, whether she was ill or damaged.
Hiroyuki began bringing her food — 5 crabs every day – without hesitation, saving her life. The fish began to recuperate, and the bond between them got stronger. Yoriko and Hiroyuki’s encounters are now incomplete without a pleasant kiss. Someone could find such kindness repulsive, but after all, looks and species membership aren’t everything. Man and fish live in peace with nature and each other in this situation.
What could possibly be more lovely than this?