This Hedgehog Is The Most Cheerful Little Fellow That Charms Everyone

A pet hedgehog named Rick surely will steal your heart! He is so cute and cheerful that it’s impossible to resist. In addition, Rick loves to smile, and he looks great in pictures. Thanks to his modeling skills, he can now brighten the mood of people all around the world!
The owners got a white-bellied hedgehog named Rick from a breeder when he was just a baby. He is now four years old, and this adorable hedgehog is gaining popularity online. Once again, Rick proves to everyone around him that happiness is easy! This hedgehog is living his best life. He has 120,000 followers on his Instagram account. The hedgehog continues to spread positivity and make everyone smile.
Although unusual to see a hedgehog as a pet, hedgehogs of this breed are often kept at home. They need proper and sensitive care.