This Dog Has The Longest, Craziest Beard And It’s Perfect
This cute dog of the Belgian Griffon breed is considered by everyone to be an old man. But in fact, little Natsu is only 2 years old. It’s just the funny beard that adds a few years to him.
“It became noticeable at his 8 months,” Tatiana Kovalenok, Nuts’ mom, told The Dodo. “I never actually paid attention to his beard until I started receiving comments from my followers on Instagram.”
Nats’s owner, Tatyana Kovalenko, did not pay much attention to the beard of the dog, because it is typical for this breed. But when people started coming up to her on the street and started writing comments on Instagram, she realized that Nats’ beard is his special highlight. And it doesn’t upset her at all that kids often call him an elderly grandfather and adults compare him to Chewbacca. The main thing is that Nats is not neglected, and he has his own army of fans.
“Almost every day when we walk, we get reactions from random people regarding his appearance and his beard,” Kovalenok said. “Kids usually say that he’s a ‘funny dog’ or ‘looks like a grandpa.’ Older people always mention him as a stylish dog, saying something like, ‘Look at the [mustache] and beard he has!’ Some people call him hipster or even Chewbacca.”
“He reacts to words ‘Wanna go bathing?’ as if I said, ‘Wanna treat?’ — gets overly excited every time,” Kovalenok said.
“We used to trim his beard short before, as I thought that it was too long and made him look older than he actually was,” Kovalenok said. “Now we just trim him a couple times a year and let the beard be. There’s no special treatment for his beard — it just grows as it is.”