The Sweet Kitty Got A Statue Erected In His Honor

In the world, animals are often memorialized, but usually for certain merits, such as loyalty, help in combat, or science. But there are also animals immortalized by sculptures simply because they were dear to the heart.
This is just about a kitty cat from Turkey named Tombili. He lived in Istanbul, and now in the Ziverbey area, a monument was placed to this simple furry fellow. And on his favorite spot!
In Turkey generally love animals; kittens walk freely on the streets, getting affection from locals and tourists. But Tombili is loved by everyone for his attitude to life. Every day he used to go out and lounge on the stairs or in the middle of the street like a king. The relaxed and charming boy quickly rose to fame when pictures of him began to appear on the Web.
The chubby, striped cat with a white belly became the hero of funny memes. He half-lies on the sidewalk and now as a monument. After his earthly life ended in 2016, local residents wanted to immortalize the funny purr, which raised everyone’s spirits. A petition – signed by 17,280 people – asked for a sculpture of the famous cat, so sculptor Seval Şahin built the commemorative monument. The sculpture was revealed on World Animal Day, October 4th 2016, in the exact same location where Tombili posed for the famous picture.
The monument quickly became a tourist attraction. Now tours are taken to it. The bronze feline was even stolen, but the figure was returned.