The Photographer Proved That Lions Are Still Cute Cats

A lion is a big cat who also likes to fool around.
Julius managed to capture a lion playfully cuddling with a palm tree in Amboseli National Park in Kenya. After running around a bit, the lion suddenly paid attention to the tree and started playing with it. He first hugged the palm tree and then rubbed his face against it.
The 200-pound lion behaved like a kitten that had not been played with for a long time. However, the photographer had his own assumptions.
“I think he was just marking his territory. Then I watched the beautiful pride. A few cubs were playing with two adult females, and the leader was just lying there lazily. Suddenly he decided to take a walk. A few seconds later he came back and started playing with a palm tree. It was funny and surprisingly beautiful because it was like a show. Sometimes he even looked at me.”
Network users admitted that they did not expect such playfulness from the formidable predator.
However, if you scroll through the page of the photographer, you can find not only cute lions but also other inhabitants of mysterious Africa.