The dog that saved his owner’s life alering him to rush away from the flaming house

 The dog that saved his owner’s life alering him to rush away from the flaming house

Joel Rosa says his dog, Maggie’s barking woke him up in the middle of the night. Maggie helped get him out of his flaming house in Tangerine, Florida, saving both of their lives.

It was a scary scene. Flames reached the second floor.

Joel Rosa says his dog, Maggie, saved his life when she woke him in the middle of the night and...

“I love this dog,” Rosa said. “She woke me up at like 3 in the morning, barking. I wake up, and I heard the noise on the roof. So, I came outside from the porch upstairs, and I look on the right side and see the fire. It was really scary, really scary because I’m trying to… At the beginning, I thought that I could stop it myself, even from outside.”

Fire crews worked in defensive mode, but 80 percent of the house vanished. Thanks to this cute and sensitive dog no living being died during the terrible night.

Rose said he is very grateful to Maggie.

“Oh, she’s my hero. I love my dog. It’s amazing. I would say she saved my life,” he said.


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