The Dog That Loves His Butterfly Friends With All His Heart

 The Dog That Loves His Butterfly Friends With All His Heart

(Milo) is a retriever who has been a very kind and gentle creature since he was a puppy. The doggie has also always helped his owner in the garden, where the family has many flowers and plants. They are attracting many butterflies, which couldn’t help but catch Milo’s attention.

“We grow lots of food and flowers in our garden so it is a wonderland for butterflies,” Jen Bennett, Milo’s mom, told The Dodo. “Two years ago we started raising monarchs, which has been so fun. Milo loves to watch all the butterflies fly around.” -the owner said.

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Пёс всей душой любит своих друзей-бабочек

Пёс всей душой любит своих друзей-бабочек

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Now every time Milo meets a butterfly, it’s an occasion for a photo shoot! The owner often publishes photos of the dog with butterflies on social networks, and during this time Milo has gained thousands of fans from all over the world. He is a very kind, sweet, and wonderful dog, and is always happy to be photographed with his butterfly friends.

“He is always patient when they land on him,” Bennett said. “He sees their process with me, from baby caterpillars to chrysalis then to butterflies. He knows they are our friends. He loves hanging out with the butterflies. We check the butterflies every morning. We had millions of painted lady butterflies that migrated through our garden,” Bennett said. “It was like a cloud of butterflies coming though. He just kept looking up at them in wonder. Looking back and forth so fast to not to miss any!”

Milo loves his butterfly friends so much, and will always do his best to be gentle with them and protect them whenever they’re around.

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Пёс всей душой любит своих друзей-бабочек

Пёс всей душой любит своих друзей-бабочек

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