The Dog Got So Fat That He Couldn’t Walk

 The Dog Got So Fat That He Couldn’t Walk

At the Arizona Beagle Shelter, an American woman found a very fat dog. Wolfgang was eight years old and weighed three times the normal weight. The dog was very clumsy, could not walk, and could not even wear a collar. When Erin McManis saw him, she was horrified. Had Wolfang been left outside, he would have met an imminent death.

Хозяева раскормили своего пса до такой степени, что он не мог ходить

Хозяева раскормили своего пса до такой степени, что он не мог ходитьThe new owners decided to start slowly by walking the dog a couple of times a day. At first, the walks were short.
Erin McManis had another beagle living in the house that wasn’t as huge.
Perhaps for the first time in the dog’s life, there was a schedule, care, and love. He began walking, exercising, and going on a diet. Exercise, water aerobics, and dieting proved to be very effective in the fight against excess weight.

Хозяева раскормили своего пса до такой степени, что он не мог ходить

Хозяева раскормили своего пса до такой степени, что он не мог ходитьEvery day, the woman and her dog stopped by the coffee shop, where they immediately fell in love with him. The cafe staff observed his changes and were even proud of him.

With a caring family, Wolfgang became prettier, smarter, and happier. Every day the dog lost weight, exercised on the machines, and ate healthy food.

Хозяева раскормили своего пса до такой степени, что он не мог ходить

Хозяева раскормили своего пса до такой степени, что он не мог ходитьSeeing Wolfang’s happiness, Erin decided she could help other dogs lose weight as well. Several dogs have already lost weight under the woman’s care. When they get back in shape, they return to their owners. Wolfgang’s success is the best advertisement for Erin.
After two years, the beagle has begun to weigh as much as a normal senior citizen dog of the breed. He now loves walking and can run.

Unfortunately, Wolfang is no longer young, so obesity has taken its toll on his heart and joints. He can’t jump very high or run very far.
But now he has a best friend and a happy family, who are willing to do anything for him!

Хозяева раскормили своего пса до такой степени, что он не мог ходить

Хозяева раскормили своего пса до такой степени, что он не мог ходить

Хозяева раскормили своего пса до такой степени, что он не мог ходить

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