The damaged wing of the butterfly was healed by the designer.

Romy McCloskey, a talented designer, recently utilized her talent to mend the hapless butterfly’s injured wing. The woman raises butterflies and is well aware that humans are cruel to them. As a result, these unfortunate creatures require assistance. When her cat was playing in the garden, one of the cocoons was broken. It ripped open, revealing a butterfly with a broken wing. It was unable to move or fly. The woman was distraught.
Then she had the brilliant notion of putting her skills to good use and assisting the helpless creature. As a result, she began to act. The strategy worked out well. Romy waited expectantly for the butterfly to take flight.
She awoke the next day to see the adorable thing move, so she carried her outside and hoped it would fly. The little creature initially had a look around before taking off.
The woman was amazed and joyful. Her skill let her help the tiny thing to be alive.