The Cutest Procedure: Weighing Animals In Zoo

Zoos have an annual mandatory weighing procedure. The zookeepers measure, weigh, and assess the condition of every animal in the zoo, from the birds to the underwater creatures. Let’s see how the London Zoo weigh-in takes place!
Every year London Zoo measures and weighs all its inhabitants. The zoo is home to 14,000 animals, and all go through this cute procedure The caretakers take a few days to record the measurements and weights of the wards – this is done to maintain their condition, and as a general check.
The Zoological Society of London recently shared some interesting footage taken during the measurements. Users from all over the world were able to get a closer look at how the cutest procedure takes place. Among the subjects in the photo are lion tamarins and saimiri monkeys, Bactrian camels, Humboldt penguins, giant sea snails, Sumatran tigers, and others.