The Cutest Footage Of Donkeys Living In An Italian Nature Reserve

Compared to cats and dogs, donkeys don’t get as much attention online. But these wonderful animals are no less adorable and unique! In northern Italy, there is the Il Rifugio degli Asinelli nature reserve, where more than 100 rescued donkeys live. Donkeys are clever, curious, playful, friendly, and sometimes naughty and each of them is unique. Take a look at some cute footage of these beauties.
These amazing shots are taken by photographer Rachele Totaro, who loves to visit the donkeys at Il Rifugio degli Asinelli reserve. By the way, this sanctuary was first established back in 1969 in Great Britain, and now there are several such places for donkeys in the world.
The Italian reserve is located in the Sala Biellese region in the north of the country. There are now 135 donkeys and mules living there (a mule is the result of a cross between a donkey and a horse). Rachele loves taking pictures of these fascinating creatures and sharing them online.
“As soon as I have some spare time, I go outside with my camera and take pictures, to share their beauty with everyone. All my “donkey models” have overcome tough times: they are fighters and sometimes survivors. And even if in some cases the humans they had met before being rescued by our charity revealed the worst of mankind, these donkeys teach the lesson of forgiveness and show us that hard lives must not harden our hearts.” the photographer says.