The Brave Little Corgis That Help People

 The Brave Little Corgis That Help People

The Corgi is a fluffy English dog breed. But it is remarkable not only because of its appearance, now we will talk about intelligent and responsible representatives.

Храбрые корги, которые помогают людям

In Shchelkovo there was a competition among corgi rescuers. The furries proved which one of them is the fastest and strongest. The top ones received awards. Corgi rescuers began working at the Civil Defense Center in 2020. Corgis do an excellent job of rescuing people: they’re smart, quick to remember commands, and they happen to be great. At the Civil Defense Center, they are taught to look for people, and forbidden and dangerous substances.

Храбрые корги, которые помогают людям

This brave puppy would never let a broken leg stop her from thanking her  rescuers - RSPCA South Australia


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