Survivor Cat Meets New Dog Sister And Instantly Falls In Love

 Survivor Cat Meets New Dog Sister And Instantly Falls In Love

Several years ago, Mojo’s Hope, an Alaskan animal rescue organization, rescued a sweet dog who was living in the woods with her pups. Volunteers took care of her and her pups, and gave mommy the nickname . At first she was very shy, she was obviously not used to socializing with people, or she was simply afraid of them.

“She lacked socialization and was very fearful,” Shannon Basner, owner of Mojo’s Hope, told The Dodo.

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“She came into our program and blossomed in our care,” Basner said. “She learned to trust us, and what we saw from her immediately was her incredibly nurturing and compassionate nature.”
Only with time Cinder got used to it and understood that volunteers would not hurt her. She blossomed, learned to trust, and became an extremely sociable and good-natured girl. Since then, she began to socialize with all of the shelter’s charges, including the cats.
A little later a kitten was brought to the shelter when she was found in the cold street with immobilized back legs. He could not move around properly, and the volunteers provided him with special care.

“She’s [become] an extraordinary mentor for every new rescue that came into our program,” Basner said. “She’s provided them with love, care and a place of safety.”

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“He was immediately purring nonstop,” Basner said. “He snuggled so deeply in the nook of my neck, just purring and kneading. That just showed that someone was caring for him, someone had loved him.”
The kitten was named Bridger, and after a series of treatments and rehabilitation, he was sent to a holding facility – just in the house where Cinder lived. When these two were introduced, it was love at first sight! They became best friends right away, and started spending a lot of time together. The dog was very gentle with Bridger feeling that he was a special kitten, and he responded with tenderness and purring.
They could lie together and cuddle, play for long hours, and just enjoy each other’s company. Next to Cinder, the kitten found the support and warmth that he lacked before. Such a wonderful couple!

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