Stepan The Cat With A Bored Muzzle Has Become A Symbol Of Sad Parties

 Stepan The Cat With A Bored Muzzle Has Become A Symbol Of Sad Parties

There are a lot of funny animals on the web. Some of them become social media stars. For example, a cat named Stepan is conquering TikTok.
He is so beloved by users that cocktails like his are already made by dozens of fans around the world.
Here he is, the symbol of the sad party! It all started with this video, “What willpower!” – the hostess signed the post.

Кот Степан со скучающей мордочкой стал символом грустных вечеринок
The pizza video got almost 5 million views. Users laughed at the detached look of the cat, who is indifferent to absolutely everything. Since then, Stepan has become popular.
After the success of the video with the detached look of the perfect, the owner realized that she had found her niche and format
Bored with cocktails Stepan regularly amuses social media users
In the comments, fans say that they understand Stepan because many of them feel the same way as a cat does when he attends a noisy party or a get-together with his relatives.

Кот Степан со скучающей мордочкой стал символом грустных вечеринок

Кот Степан со скучающей мордочкой стал символом грустных вечеринокIn the footage, Stepan never looks cheerful. Do you know how he looks so bored on camera? That’s because the cat falls asleep on the chair during the filming. But for the sake of art, he keeps his owner company!
And besides, Stepan is already 13 years old. It is clear why he is in energy-saving mode. He is wise, doesn’t rush anywhere, and prefers to enjoy every minute of his life and his fame. He has 55,000 followers on his Instagram.This video got 6 million views


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