Squirrels Are Spotted Stretching Out On The Ground All Over The City To Cool Down In Record-Breaking Heatwave

This week, WildCare, an American animal rescue organization, reported dozens of calls from local residents. Many report squirrels lying sprawled out on the ground in parks and on the streets. For today, such squirrels have been spotted in various parts of California, especially in San Francisco. The squirrels lie on their stomachs with their back legs out to the side and seeing them in this position makes many people worry about the health of the rodents.
But no, it’s not a bad condition, and it’s not a squirrel flash mob just a heat wave. In recent days, temperatures in the San Francisco Bay Area have reached around 43 degrees Celsius. Such heat is considered abnormal in these places, so both people and animals are rescued as best they can. This way, lying on their stomachs, the squirrels cool themselves off.
Specialists assure that there is nothing to worry about. Not only squirrels are cooled in this way, but also, for example, cats and dogs with thick fur. You can often notice that Maine Coons or Corgis lie in this position. For them, it is a way to regulate their body temperature and therefore feel better.
Services in California have already warned locals that lying down is normal for squirrels. You shouldn’t approach them, touch them, or disturb their space. They’re perfectly fine. Besides, in such heat squirrels can be aggressive and nervous, therefore it is better to keep a distance from them and not try to interact.