Seven Helpless Puppies Were Thrown To The Mercy Of Fate

Seven puppies were brought to the shelter. Before that, they lived on the street, abandoned by someone to the mercy of fate.
Naturally, without support and help, they would not have survived, especially since it was already autumn, during the cold weather, with no experience of survival, they would definitely have been left out of fate.
But they were brought to the shelter, warmed, and fed. The staff began nursing them back to health. All was not lost! The little ones began to recover, to gain strength, to become more joyful. A glimmer of hope sparkled in their eyes.
One little doggie was named Peggy. His half-muzzle was black, and his white body had speckles scattered all over it. Wasn’t he a lovely creature with a fluffy tummy?
That’s what Catherine thought of him. She and her family decided to adopt the puppy. At home, she was named Yuki. Yuki’s brothers and sisters are also leaving for their new homes.