Rescue Dog Notices Something Very Wrong And Saves His Brother’s Life

 Rescue Dog Notices Something Very Wrong And Saves His Brother’s Life

An American family rescued a pit bull named Charlie from irresponsible owners. His previous family didn’t love him – the dog grew up neglected, without toys, or amenities, in a cramped kennel. His new family gave him the life he truly deserved.

“He went from having no place to run, no toys, no beds, no treats, no love, to having it all,” Merchant told The Dodo. “If Charlie thinks any of us are hurt or even out of his sight, he won’t stop until he can go investigate for himself.”
From then on, Charlie became the family’s main pet and loved the household in return. The strongest bond he developed was with his owners’ 14-year-old son, Donald. He and the boy quickly became best friends, and recently Charlie proved his loyalty.

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Donald was looking for fishing rods in the barn while Charlie was in the house and watching him from the living room window. Suddenly the boy jerked sharply and fell to the ground, and seeing this from the window, the dog began barking loudly and jumping, trying to get the attention of the household.

“We didn’t see him get stung, but [Charlie] did,” Merchant said. “Charlie started running back and forth across the floor in a panic, barking at the window, shaking, and we could tell there was a reason, as Charlie doesn’t bark that much.Charlie knew Donny was in trouble. Charlie has never acted like that before, he sensed [Donald] was in trouble and was not stopping ’til we took notice and went out to see.”

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Donald was lying on the ground and could hardly breathe – it turned out that the boy had been bitten by a hornet, whose venom he was allergic to. He was rushed to the hospital, where his condition was restored. Fortunately, after a while, Donald felt well and went home.
The family is still grateful to Charlie for this act – if not for this hero, the situation could have been worse. After that incident, Charlie has not left the boy’s side, and their friendship has become even stronger. That’s how the doggy saved the life of his best friend.

“I know if it wasn’t for Charlie, Donny would be dead,” Merchant said. “Charlie wasn’t stopping until he got our attention.”

Пес в панике заметался, увидев лежащего на земле хозяина

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