Rescue Cat Turns Broken Jaw Into Gorgeous Smile

Last year, the cat, now named Duchess, was brought to a veterinary hospital in Texas. She had a broken jaw and damage to other organs after being hit by a car. Doctors at the hospital decided to go in for surgery.
And the Duchess confirms it as she looks at us with her new smile! Most places would have simply put her to sleep, as her jaw was broken and other organs were damaged. But two veterinarians decided to try to save the unfortunate cat. Her chances of survival were small, and she had to have all of her teeth removed.
Fortunately, everything went perfectly. Duchess also got a brilliant smile! But the best part of this story is that after seeing her smile after surgery, a woman named Crystal Tate picked her up right out of the clinic! She is now Duchess’ owner.
“Most places would’ve just euthanised her, but by some miracle Duchess got lucky and Dr. Meyer took a chance and repaired her jaw,” said Crystal Tate, Duchess’ owner. “She was in recovery for about a month, she was on a feeding tube and lots of medicine. Her chances of survival were slim, but she was a fighter and pulled through. I met her the day I arrived at the clinic for my first day and ended up bringing her home with me less than a week later.”