Red Cat Became Member Of The Library Staff

Many people like cats. They evoke positive emotions in children and adults. That’s what the owners of a large library thought of.
The Central County Library and History Museum in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, is a large building with two branches.
Not only are there many books, but there are also video and audio recordings, online resources for development, discussion groups, and engaging lectures. To attract people to the library, they hired a classroom staff member.
He has four paws and a tail and a mustache. The nicest library employee is named Horace.
The owner maintains an Instagram profile of the library, where she adds her pet’s transformations of the main characters in the works.
Every week the cat becomes a new character and tells a story or gives helpful advice.
“Horatio lives with me but his cardboard cutout is at our main branch in Bellefonte. He is a sweet and docile cat and he always knows and is interested when I’m crafting a costume for him. He gets treats when we do a ‘photoshoot’ and is quite patient when dressed and sits for the photo. We worked our way up from hats and bowties to shirts to wigs and more elaborate costumes, all of which Horatio wears easily.”
Cats and books are great together!
“The idea behind the ‘Caturday’ posts was to highlight the library by combining two things people love: cats and books. The posts began in February 2014 as simple photos of my cats (mostly Horatio) sitting next to books, often with a cat-themed pun as the caption. Horatio was always the cat who most enjoyed sitting for photos and later, I added props and hats to embellish the photos, which slowly evolved into wigs, costumes, and backdrops. I often themed the posts to coincide with a birthday, anniversary, or event and feature library materials about that subject.”