Puppy Is Born With The Cutest Permanent Cowlick

 Puppy Is Born With The Cutest Permanent Cowlick

A Golden Retriever puppy named Alfie (Alfie or Alfalfa) from the United States was born unique. The puppy from an early age had an interesting feature – a small cowlick of hair on his head.

“Alfalfa has always had a cowlick,” Kate Merrick, Alfie’s mom, told The Dodo. “It’s visible in his tiny newborn picture and very prominent in his 6-week pictures. We were worried it would go away as he grew … but he’s grown now and it’s still there.”
His owners took Alfie in when he was six weeks old. They noticed his funny cowlick of hair right away – and they were just smitten with the peculiarity!

Ретривер родился с милой особенностью - хохолком на головеРетривер родился с милой особенностью - хохолком на голове

“He’s always getting comments about his hair,” Merrick said. “He gets questions about his hair on his social media nearly every post.”
Alfie is now three years old and the cowlick is his main and everyone’s favorite thing. During walks, many people come up to him and are immediately impressed by his features. And when the owner started posting videos of the dog on Tiktok and Instagram, he quickly gained popularity.

Ретривер родился с милой особенностью - хохолком на голове

Ретривер родился с милой особенностью - хохолком на голове

“He has a 12-year-old boy who he jumps on the trampoline with and neighbor friends who will throw the ball over the fence for him,” Merrick said. “We had to cut a few holes in the fence so he could bring the balls back.”
Aside from his unique feature, Alfie is an adorable dog. He is very social, always happy to make new friends, and loves to play outside with his owners especially with tennis balls.

If there’s one other thing that sets Alfie apart from the pack, it’s his undying love of tennis balls. “Alfie is an absolute ball fanatic,” Merrick said. “When he’s tired, he takes the balls and runs so no one can throw them again. Alfalfa is a wonderful family dog that brings us so much extra love,” Merrick said. “He keeps us laughing and entertained.”InstagramРетривер родился с милой особенностью - хохолком на голове

Ретривер родился с милой особенностью - хохолком на голове



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