Pregnant Street Dog Completely Melts When Rescuer Puts Her In The Car

 Pregnant Street Dog Completely Melts When Rescuer Puts Her In The Car

Last week, American Jax Anderson stopped by an auto diner with a friend when suddenly they spotted an audience. It was a black stray dog who was looking shyly at them from a distance but was afraid to approach.
They immediately noticed that the dog had a rounded belly and decided to feed it. As they approached, Jax saw the scars on the dog’s body and understood why he was so afraid of people. After that, the women decided to take the dog with them to help.

Беременная собака улыбалась от счастья, когда люди заметили ее на улице

“She never took her eyes off of us, but she didn’t come close or beg for food,” Anderson told The Dodo. “The owners of the stand came out and shooed her away down the sidewalk. It was obvious she was scared, and she disappeared. We just kind of paused at that moment to allow Poppy to calm a bit, but honestly, she was far calmer than I anticipated.”

They managed to gain the dog’s trust, and they put him in their car. Despite the excitement, the dog seemed very happy and grateful to be rescued. It was like she was smiling on her way home. Jax gave the dog a nickname, Poppy.

Беременная собака улыбалась от счастья, когда люди заметили ее на улице

“My wife took the leftovers, and I walked toward her to put them down for her,” Anderson said. “She was very skittish, but we could see some of the scars that she has, so I understood why she didn’t want to risk it.”

Jax then took the dog to the vet, where she was treated for parasites. Then Poppy ended up at the woman’s house.
Poppy turned out to be a very affectionate, sweet girl and Jax is sure she’ll be a great mom soon. When the woman took her in, she thought she would only keep her for rehoming, but over the days she became very attached to the dog and decided to keep her forever!

Беременная собака улыбалась от счастья, когда люди заметили ее на улице

When Poppy gives birth to puppies, she will take care of them and then find owners for them. In the meantime, the happy dog is very grateful to the kind people who gave her and her puppies a new life!

“Poppy will stay with us. We’re learning more about her all the time and building trust with her,” Anderson said. “I don’t want to send her to someone else to make her go through that again. She’s earned an easier go of things.”

Беременная собака улыбалась от счастья, когда люди заметили ее на улице



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