Police rescued 47 giant rabbits from slaughter

 Police rescued 47 giant rabbits from slaughter

Getting pets,  everyone has to remember that they need special care and attention. Farmers in the United States forgot that and paid the price.Полицейские спасли 47 гигантских кроликов от бойни

A couple in the United States decided to breed rabbits and had several of the giant breed. The huge rabbits were kept in cramped cages and rarely fed. They lived in their own excrement and fed on it. In addition, the poor animals were breeding uncontrollably. A year later there were 47 of them, all giants.

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Полицейские спасли 47 гигантских кроликов от бойни

First, the rabbits were raised to eat, but they bred so much that they started fighting back and defending each other. Then the couple called the police and animal control officers. Now the babies are in good hands, and they are looking for loving owners.

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