Polar Bear With Can Stuck In Mouth Rescued
A whole team of veterinarians fought for the life of this poor bear.
The polar bear did not come to the residents of the Krasnoyarsk region as a guest, but for help. At first he walked around the village. Then the bear himself came to the people and showed them the tin can that was stuck in his mouth. But the locals were unable to remove the tin from his tongue. The veterinarians were called for help. The Ministry of Ecology specially formed a workgroup, which left for the bear. Because of bad weather, the rescuers were at first stuck in Norilsk. The Nornickel company provided a helicopter for them, which accommodated not only the saviors but also a cage for the bear.
Veterinarians found the bear, put him on sleeping pills to get the can out of his mouth, and treated the wound. Then he was taken away from the city to be released into the wild.