Photo Of Sleeping Foster Kitten Puzzled Everyone With The Creepiest Optical Illusion

 Photo Of Sleeping Foster Kitten Puzzled Everyone With The Creepiest Optical Illusion

An American woman named Jane Davis and her husband has been working at Best Friends Felines for more than two years. They are volunteers who take in abandoned kittens and care for them until they find owners. Recently, they took in four orphaned kittens from the street. The couple took care of the babies for several weeks, and now they have grown up and have become very active and playful. They like to run around the house periodically and do funny things. Especially the little one, named Namaari.

“Namaari is the sweetest kitten, as [the] majority of our hand-raised babies are,” Jen Davis told The Dodo. “You only have to look at her, and she melts into a puddle of purrs. She is also a bit of a drama queen — if her siblings play too rough, she is the first to cry.”

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The kittens recently had a fun day – they were photographed together for a calendar and to find future owners. At the end of the photoshoot the kittens got tired and quickly fell asleep. Then the caretaker noticed something strange when she looked at the kittens.

“This litter of kittens loves sleeping in odd positions, but this had to be one of the funniest ways Namaari has slept,” Davis said.

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Turns out, Namaari was freaking out again – she fell asleep in a funny and slightly frightening pose! Looking at the photo, it’s not immediately clear what’s up with the kitten in the middle, but know this – she’s fine. Namaari bent over and put her head under one of her brothers, and the optical illusion was that of a headless kitten.
When she posted the picture online, it made a lot of users laugh and garnered thousands of likes. I don’t bet this pretty girl will grow up to be a real weirdo!

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