People Spotted An Orphaned Cougar That Couldn’t Move

 People Spotted An Orphaned Cougar That Couldn’t Move

While hiking in the woods of Oakland, USA, a group of people spotted an exhausted female cougar. She could hardly move and was skinny and dehydrated. The hikers immediately decided to help and contacted the CDFW Rescue Center. Finding the cub was not easy. It took rescuers about five days to find her because she escaped from the initial location. Rescuers found her near a bridge and then took her to a rescue center. The baby was in bad condition. She was covered in fleas, dehydrated, and weighed three times less than normal.

Люди заметили осиротевшую пуму, которая не могла двигаться


Люди заметили осиротевшую пуму, которая не могла двигаться

The staff immediately began caring for the cougar, named Rose. Now they give her medicine and formula feeding around the clock and take good care of her. The baby patiently endures all the procedures.

Rescuers have an optimistic prognosis for Rose.They are confident that her condition will improve radically in the near future. When she recovers, she will first be moved to an aviary, and once fully recovered, she will be sent back into the wild.

Люди заметили осиротевшую пуму, которая не могла двигаться

Люди заметили осиротевшую пуму, которая не могла двигаться

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