Passersby Noticed An Emaciated Cat In The Street

The cat was found on the street in a cold fall in St. Petersburg. The poor guy was grimy, hiding from the icy wind, trying to find lodging and food. His life did not resemble a fairy tale. He would have wandered forever if there weren’t the caring people who found him.
The boy was examined by veterinarians and given a course of treatment. No one knows how long he was walking through the city streets, freezing to death. But it’s good that he was spotted in time, he might not have survived the winter. At the shelter, the cat was named Chaucer. He was washed and fed, and he immediately transformed.
A girl named Julia took him in and named the cat Stepa. During the first 3 days at the new place the cat was getting accustomed: he was under stress from the move, so he ate almost nothing and sat quietly.
But now Stepa is the most sociable and sweetest cat in the world. “He just loves to talk, and he also sings!
Stepa is a neat and friendly cat, but he is wary of children. He may have once lived in a family with children who were not very affectionate with him. Despite his past experiences, he loves to spend time in the company of people.