Nursing Mom Dog Did Everything To Protect Her Puppies

 Nursing Mom Dog Did Everything To Protect Her Puppies

This skinny dog was spotted by the residents of Cambridge, England. People immediately saw that the dog was a nursing mother, and apparently, she was looking for food to somehow gain energy and feed her pups. They followed the dog and she led them to the babies.

Кормящая собака собирала объедки, чтобы защитить своих малышей

The dog was hiding her eight babies in a small barn nearby with no one around. Sacrificing her health and safety, the desperate mother dog did all she could to keep her babies alive. People immediately contacted rescuers from the RSPCA – and luckily, they picked up the mom and pups.

The mother dog was named Lollie. It is unknown how she ended up on the street – she had a collar, but there was no information about her owners. She was happy and calm in the hands of volunteers – it was as if Lollie knew that she and her babies were safe here.

Кормящая собака собирала объедки, чтобы защитить своих малышей

Кормящая собака собирала объедки, чтобы защитить своих малышей

Кормящая собака собирала объедки, чтобы защитить своих малышей

Volunteers were surprised at how the dog managed with so many puppies left on the street, but the health of all the babies and the mother was perfectly fine. The only thing the staff is working on is restoring the weight and condition of the mom, who has been through a lot of stress.

When the puppies grow up and Lolly recovers, permanent owners will be found for her and her babies. Thank you to the kind people who rescued this family from the streets and did not leave them in the trouble!

Кормящая собака собирала объедки, чтобы защитить своих малышей

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