Meet Ned A Kitten Who Befriends Ferrets

 Meet Ned A Kitten Who Befriends Ferrets

In June, Mallory Godet picked up a little red kitten on the street and took it home. The girl was very worried that the baby would not be able to get along with her two other pets – ferrets, and they would hurt him. But it turned out that the new member of the family, who was named Ned, very quickly got used to such a neighborhood. Moreover – the three became real friends.

Nedandferrets01 Нед – котенок, который дружит с хорьками

Nedandferrets04 Нед – котенок, который дружит с хорьками

Nedandferrets06 Нед – котенок, который дружит с хорьками

Nedandferrets15 Нед – котенок, который дружит с хорьками

The boys play, eat, and sleep together. But the most touching sight is when Ned washes the ferrets. The ginger kitten and his two companions break all stereotypes.

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