Meet Dobby, Cute Trumpet-Tooter From Zoo In England

Trumpettooths are amazing animals, of which, unfortunately, there are not many left in the world. Recently at Chester Zoo, England, a baby trumpeter was born for the first time ever, which was quite an event for the zoo. Take a look at this little cutie!
Chester Zoo in England recently announced an addition. There, for the first time ever, a trumpet-tooth cub was born to a female named Oni and a male Kosa. The baby himself was named Dobby, because of his resemblance to the character from Harry Potter. At birth, the baby weighed only 900 grams, which is half the normal weight for a tube-toothed cat.
Now the caretakers are actively caring for Dobby, feeding him every few hours to help him gain strength. Otherwise, the baby is doing well and spends a lot of time with his mother in a special enclosure. The only snag is that the staff does not know the exact sex of the cub yet – it will be possible to determine it when it gets a little older.
Few zoos in the world keep trumpet toots. There are only 66 of them in zoos throughout Europe, and 109 in zoos around the world. Animal advocates and interested organizations support the trumpettooth conservation program because there aren’t many of them left.
In the wild, these animals are found only in Africa, where they are widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The trumpeter exterminates termites and pests, and excels at digging burrows – it is considered one of the best “diggers” in the world. But unfortunately, they are seriously threatened by habitat loss due to agricultural development. In addition, they are often hunted.