Matted Dog Who Hated Being Touched Makes The Most Amazing Transformation

 Matted Dog Who Hated Being Touched Makes The Most Amazing Transformation

People noticed Barny on the streets of Nisipari, Romania. The poor dog was so overgrown with tangles of hair that it was hard for him to move – and passersby didn’t even immediately realize they were facing a dog. But kind people immediately decided to help.

“We found Barny near our shelter in a small village called Nisipari in Romania,” Hayley, the adoption team leader at BMDR, told The Dodo. “The shelter is quite remote, so we believe someone left him there for us to find. We don’t know where he came from or how he came to be in such a terrible condition.”

За огромными колтунами было трудно разглядеть собаку

За огромными колтунами было трудно разглядеть собаку

There was a local animal shelter near where Barney was found, and they took him there. The dog was very shy and was afraid to be touched.

“He was VERY scared and didn’t want to be touched or handled,” Hayley said.

The shelter staff did everything to make the dog feel comfortable and learn that people are trustworthy. He had his teeth cleaned, was restored with medication, and the next day the doctors removed all the tangles in his fur. It took them several hours – but Barney was finally rid of so much weight.

matted dog


happy dog

“Barny is a real cheeky character and is settled in really well at the shelter,” Hayley said. “He’s learning to trust and gets better every day.”

After the haircut, the staff had a different dog in front of them. Even Barney himself was visibly cheerful, getting rid of the tangles. Over time, he grew a new coat, and he became much more sociable and active. Now Barney is a real beauty. They are already looking for permanent owners for him. We wish him the best home!

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