Man Introducing His Dog To Neighborhood Cat Goes Viral

 Man Introducing His Dog To Neighborhood Cat Goes Viral

An Englishwoman named Cheyenne Tyler Berry spotted this cute scene by accident while she was washing dishes. She saw a man with a dog on the streets of her native Yorkshire and a cat strolling nearby. Seeing the cat, the dog became interested and clearly wanted to make a friendship with him. The owner decided to help him and took the dog right up to the cat.

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Забавная попытка мужчины познакомить собаку с котом


Забавная попытка мужчины познакомить собаку с котом

The dog immediately reached out his paw to the cat with friendly intentions but the redhead was clearly not happy about this quick turn of events. He immediately marked his “boundaries,” and began to push the dog away with his paw politely, but firmly! After that, the dog realized that the introduction was awkward, and the two just stared at each other for a few moments.

Then the owner put the dog down and caressed the cat as goodbye. It was an awkward but very cute acquaintance! The girl posted the video on social media and it later received more than seven million views. Many locals recognized the cat in the video – it turned out, that his name is George, and he is a common resident of the streets of Yorkshire.

Забавная попытка мужчины познакомить собаку с котом

Soon the man himself found the video and left the comment! Many neighbors recognized the street and the friendly feline.

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