Little cute fox has been saved from turning to fur in fox farm. Now she lives her best life.

Vixie was born on a fur farm, together with hundreds of her brothers and sisters. Her fate had been predetermined from the moment she was born: she would have spent seven months in a small cage before being placed in someone’s fur coat. This guy, on the other hand, offered her a second opportunity.
Vixie was living behind a wire grid, and her legs were distorted as a result of her inactivity. Imagine how she would have looked dangling from a lady’s neck or on boots.
This, however, did not occur, thankfully. She had been offered the chance to live. Vixie is now a gorgeous fox with a loving owner and a home.
«I had a purpose and a tremendous dream: to save at least one vulnerable fox from this horrible farm, and so prevent them from a brutal death at the end».
«When I saw images and videos of the appalling conditions in which these creatures were kept, I felt so bad. And, despite my inability to assist everyone, I felt it was my responsibility to attempt to improve the lives of at least one of them,» explains Vixi’s owner.
«I had no idea how tough it would be to purchase a fox. Finding a breeder willing to sell such an animal was the most difficult task. I recall calling all of the fox breeding farms at the time, but they all turned me down. However, after several tries and phone talks over the purchase of a wild animal on one farm, they eventually consented to sell it to me.
This adorable, interesting, and entertaining animal now brings delight to its owner every day.