Kittens with 3 Paws and Extra Toes Share a Strong Bond After Being Found Together in Backyard
A woman in Quebec City, Canada, found these two babies in the backyard of her private home. Both kittens were missing one leg, were weak and needed urgent care. Apparently, the mother cat gave them up because they were the weakest in the litter.
Despite the difficult situation, the kittens cuddled and did not leave each other. The woman immediately reported her discovery to One Cat at a time rescue center, whose staff took the babies away almost immediately. The doctors determined that the brother and sister were 1.5 weeks old.
“They were found outside in a backyard by a lady. She contacted me and sent me pictures of the kittens showing that they were both missing a paw,” Marie shared with Love Meow. “From the start, the two shared a very special bond, and they were always cuddling,” Marie told Love Meow.
The caregivers immediately began to restore the babies’ health – they were very worried about their condition. The black and white male kitten, named Sake, was much weaker than his sister Sakura. Sake would always hug and support him to let him know that he would be okay and that they would be safe.
“Their foster family had to give them hydrotherapy. They made sure to keep the wounds clean at all time, and it paid off. They had a follow-up appointment at the veterinary clinic recently, and their wounds seemed to be healing,” Marie shared with Love Meow.
The caregivers gave the kittens medication and antibiotics, fed them every hour, and took care of them in every way they could. Despite their sad condition, the brother and sister were full of will to live – so they were soon on the mend and starting to gain weight.
Over time, the little ones became more active and playful and started asking for more attention from their caregiver, but they were still inseparable. Sakura and Sake supported each other through the difficult journey – and this helped them grow stronger every day.
As the kittens grew, their caregivers noticed new traits in them. It turned out that both kittens, in addition to missing one paw, had extra toes on their front paws. But these peculiarities in no way prevented them from growing up to be happy kittens.
“Who said they can’t live on three legs? They are perfectly imperfect,” Marie added.
Now the grown babies still love each other and do everything together. Soon they will begin to look for their owners. May these little guys find the best homes!