Kitten with Incredible Resilience is Determined to Live Full Life with the Help of a Kind Couple

 Kitten with Incredible Resilience is Determined to Live Full Life with the Help of a Kind Couple

A 3-week-old tiny kitten was found in the bushes in Melbourne, Australia. At such a tender age, the baby had already caught feline flu, and was in great need of care. The toddler was lying in a cap, and people assumed that someone had decided to get rid of him and left him to his fate.
Passers-by picked up the kitten and took him to a veterinary clinic where he was given primary care. The vets then found a place for him at the local Foster Kittens Of Melbourne shelter, where he was happily accepted.

“I responded immediately saying we would take him, as he deserves a fighting chance,” Cass, a volunteer of Foster Kittens Of Melbourne, shared with Love Meow.

Особенный котенок лежал в брошенной кепке под кустом

Особенный котенок лежал в брошенной кепке под кустом

Особенный котенок лежал в брошенной кепке под кустом

Особенный котенок лежал в брошенной кепке под кустом
The kitten was named Nugget, and began the difficult road to recovery. His health was poor, but despite the odds, the little guy purred and was very grateful to be rescued. A couple of volunteers later took him into a holding facility.
The kitten was fed hourly and given medication, but later the caregivers noticed that something was wrong with him. Nugget was growing very slowly, and also – he was found to have congenital deformities in all his paws. In spite of this, the little fighter was full of will to live.

“He was dropped off at our house rolling around in this hand-made hat that the transporter had him in. His eyes were crusted shut and swollen red, yet he was so beyond happy despite his poor condition.”
Brave Nugget continued his treatment. His ailments did not prevent him from growing up, playing, exploring the house, purring, and constantly asking for affection from his caretakers. He grew up as a normal kitten, but he was a little behind in development.

Особенный котенок лежал в брошенной кепке под кустом

Особенный котенок лежал в брошенной кепке под кустом

Особенный котенок лежал в брошенной кепке под кустом

“He didn’t respond to auditory stimulus at all, his joints were quite deformed, his energy levels were incredibly low and his growth was stunted and abnormal,” Cass shared with Love Meow.
Now baby Nugget is 10 weeks old. He’s still half the size of kittens his age, but he’s full of strength, energy, and love. His caretakers loved this miracle so much that they decided to keep him with them forever, although they planned to take care of him temporarily.
Nugget is growing up as a happy kitten – he’s surrounded by love, and tasty food, he plays with his kittens, whom the owners took in their care, and he just enjoys life. Thank you to the kind people for saving him!

“He can play, run around, explore, get cuddles, and play with other cats. He has no idea he’s deaf and has formed his unique way of communicating with us,” Cass told Love Meow.

Особенный котенок лежал в брошенной кепке под кустом

Особенный котенок лежал в брошенной кепке под кустом

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