Kitten with Bent Paws Learns to Walk with Encouragement From Cat Mother

A pregnant cat was spotted on the streets of a town in Oregon, USA. The poor thing wandered the streets looking for scraps to feed herself and her future babies. Then she had some luck – kind people picked her up and took her to a shelter.
After a while, the kitty gave birth to five kittens at the shelter, but one of her babies was different from her congeners. The baby, named Dove, was weak and peculiar – her legs were unnaturally short and curved.
Later, a volunteer named Angela took in the cat’s family. She took care of mom and the babies, especially Dove. The caretaker did special therapeutic exercises with her and massaged her, straightening her crooked paws.
As her mobility increased slightly, she became more active and her appetite improved. Dove started gaining weight, walking, playing, and exploring more. Even though she is still slower than her congeners, she is sure to catch up with them.
Mama cat accepts Dove on an equal footing with the other kittens and even treats her with special affection. Sensing her peculiarities, she helped her to learn to walk faster. Soon the baby was able to run and jump, just like her brothers – nothing could stop this lump of energy.
Dove proved to be a true fighter in her difficult journey, she never thought of giving up. Now she is enjoying life with her family, and very soon permanent owners will be found for her kittens and her mother.