Kitten Pulls Through Every Challenge as an Orphan and is Raised to be a Major Hugger

 Kitten Pulls Through Every Challenge as an Orphan and is Raised to be a Major Hugger

A little orphaned cat was picked up on the streets in the United States. People immediately noticed that the little girl had an unusual appearance and color. They took her to the Best Friends Felines shelter, where they gladly accepted her and gave her a nickname, Dixie. Volunteers determined that she was only a week old and had not even opened her eyes yet.

Крохотная кошечка осталась сироткой, когда ей не было и недели“She was back on track and was drinking (formula) wonderfully. Since Dixie decided to cooperate with her feeding, she was steadily gaining weight,” Best Friends Felines shared.
Dixie weighed only 140 grams, and her foster parents immediately began feeding her. She was fed from a special tube, and sensitively cared for. At first, the baby had a poor appetite. Her body was very weak. But thanks to the care of her foster parents, she quickly recovered.

Крохотная кошечка осталась сироткой, когда ей не было и недели

Крохотная кошечка осталась сироткой, когда ей не было и недели

Крохотная кошечка осталась сироткой, когда ей не было и недели
After about two weeks, she was able to drink milk from a bottle and was actively gaining weight. Dixie proved to be a real little fighter. By then her eyes had opened they immediately struck volunteers with their expressiveness. It was impossible to look at this little miracle without touching it! Then, at the age of four weeks, Dixie reached a more or less normal weight of 300 grams.

“Dixie is proving to be an adventurous little lady and is just full of personality.”

The little one started to move around more, exploring everything with curiosity and that was already a big accomplishment for her. Now Dixie plays a lot, runs and has a lot of fun. She’s all grown up now, and they’re starting to look for owners for her.

“Dixie is coming along in leaps and bounds from the teeny tiny neonate that joined Best Friends Felines,” the rescue added. “She has become super playful and interacting with toys, chasing them all over the house. She has started to groom herself which is always a cute stage.”

Крохотная кошечка осталась сироткой, когда ей не было и недели

Крохотная кошечка осталась сироткой, когда ей не было и недели

Крохотная кошечка осталась сироткой, когда ей не было и недели

Крохотная кошечка осталась сироткой, когда ей не было и недели

Крохотная кошечка осталась сироткой, когда ей не было и недели

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