Kitten Found on Side of Road, Blossoms into Sweetest Cat and Has His Dream Come True
This little kitten was found on the side of the road in Perth, Australia. The baby was snuggling up to its mother, who, unfortunately, could not survive in the busy traffic. People noticed the orphaned crumb and couldn’t drive past this sad picture.
The kitten was taken to the Perth Rescue Angels shelter, where he was happily accepted. The baby, nicknamed Stanley, was about six weeks old but weighed only 188 grams. He was so small and stunted that his head seemed bigger than his tiny body.
The baby needed a rehoming right away, and a volunteer named Amber took him in. Despite the challenges, Stanley showed a resilient character and a will to live from the start.
The kitten was very weak, frail, hardly moved, and almost lost consciousness. But despite this, he had a great appetite, ate a lot, and gained weight quickly. The caregiver fed him by the hour from a syringe and gave him supportive medications.
Soon the baby became visibly lively, began to grow, and delighted the caretaker with his accomplishments. She was amazed at how brave and strong Stanley turned out to be. Within a week he stopped eating from a syringe and started eating normal food from a bowl.
Later the baby started to crawl actively, exploring every corner of the caretaker’s house, and also – squeaking loudly if he needed something. He often rubbed himself in her caretaker’s arms and purred in her lap.
After three weeks, Stanley had turned into an active, playful, and adorable handsome kitten. There was no trace of the battered, weak baby. Stanley was also introduced to a pair of kittens found on the street that were younger than him.
Stanley immediately made friends with the little ones and even began to take care of them, taking on the duties of a big brother. The kittens played together all day long and were almost inseparable.
Now they are looking for permanent owners for the young Stanley, that will truly love him. We wish this handsome boy the best family, where he will be happy!