Kitten Found in the Woods by Hikers Makes it to Comfortable Nest After Quite the Journey

Arianna, a resident of Montreal, Canada, went for a walk in the mountains with her boyfriend. As they were walking through the woods, they heard a squeak from the bushes and immediately decided to find out who was in need of help.
They found a tiny cat in the bushes, begging for help. The little one was shivering from fear and cold, but once in the arms of a woman, she calmed down a little. The children searched for other kittens and a mother cat in the area but found none.
They carried the little one to safety. They couldn’t leave her, so they immediately contacted Chatons Orphelins Rescue Center, and volunteers took the kitty away. She weighed only 400 grams and was hungry and skinny.
“The kitten was named Clochette (which means small bell in French). She was four weeks old, but barely weighed 400 grams. She was very skinny and hungry,” Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow. “She was lucky to have been found by the kind people because she wouldn’t have survived alone in the woods.”
A volunteer named Sarah took the crumb into her care. The kitty was named Clochette and began her journey to a new life. Her caretaker fed her from a bottle by the hour, giving her tenderness.
“Clochette had trouble eating at first, so Sarah fed her frequently with a small amount at each feeding. The kitten responded to that really well and started to take to the bottle.”
Clochette was very grateful to her. Although at first, she was afraid of everything new, after a while she trusted the woman and began to purr loudly after each feeding. She became more and more active every day.
Soon the kitty started walking and exploring all around with curiosity. She gained weight and began to play. When Clochette is old enough, permanent owners will be found for her!