Kitten Found in a Bush, Picks Puppy to Be Her Family and Decides to Adopt Him Herself

Residents of Arlington in the U.S. recently found a tiny stray cat. She had wandered without her mother near the bushes near the local church, and passersby decided to help the bewildered little girl. They contacted the local shelter and reported the kitty.
“She was found crying outside with her eyes matted shut, and completely smothered in fleas. She was anemic due to the fleas, as well as cold and hungry,” AWLA’s Kitten College Program shared.
The baby was taken to AWLA’s Kitten shelter, where they determined she was about three weeks old. She needed care as she was found to have many fleas and was underweight. So the kitty, nicknamed Grace, was immediately sent to a holding facility.
Grace was first kept in a special incubator to regulate her body temperature, as well as well-fed on an hourly basis. After a few days, the baby girl became cheerful, gained weight, and her appetite increased. Then her foster mother decided to introduce her to the puppy she was also keeping at the shelter, Ralfie.
The puppy was very curious to meet the kitten, and it was mutual! The two fell in love immediately, and from the day they met, they spent all their time together. Ralphie felt like an older brother and constantly took care of the kitty.
“From that point on there was no keeping them apart. I watched them closely, but he was so gentle. I do have to remind Grace that puppies’ noses are sensitive.”
Despite a ton of energy, next to Grace, the pup instantly becomes gentle, careful, and attentive. And the kitty herself blossoms beside him, never missing an opportunity to snooze in Ralphie’s arms. They do everything together – eating, sleeping, playing, running around the house.
The guardian hopes they will be able to give the furries to the same family since they have become the best of friends. Thank you for rescuing these cuties!
“These little souls were not intended to be alone. I was telling my little sister how much they loved each other and how they didn’t notice that they were a little different from each other,” Paula told Love Meow.