Hummingbird Lover Found A Way To Get To Know Them Better

 Hummingbird Lover Found A Way To Get To Know Them Better

The man from New Jersey loves hummingbirds very much. But it can be difficult to become friends with these birds. Nature lover didn’t despair, he found an interesting way to watch tiny birds at close range.

He created a special feeder that he puts on his head. Thanks to it he had the opportunity to communicate with as many as 60 hummingbird species in five different countries. He shot this video in Ecuador.

“I am a hummingbird enthusiast and make these hat feeders so that I may observe hummingbirds up close. More than 60 species of hummingbirds in 5 countries have enjoyed feeding from my hat. I was especially pleased to have the Violet-tailed Sylph and the Swordbill Hummingbird eat from the hat on my recent trip to Ecuador. But the Ruby-Throated hummingbirds at my home in New Jersey were the first to enjoy the hat”,- he writes on his YouTube channel.

Watch the video below.


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