Heroic Dog Gets Award for Saving More Than 100 Koalas From Australia’s Bushfires

Bear is a 6-year-old Australian Cooley dog. This heroic boy saved the lives of more than 100 koalas during the wildfires in Australia. With his strong sense of smell, the dog was able to detect koalas in need of help.
Bear was specially trained at the Sunshine Coast University, after which he was given a “position” as a sniffer dog. He is currently one of the few trained dogs that can find koalas by the scent of their fur.
It’s hard to believe, but this life-saving dog was once in great need of love and care. His owners abandoned Bear because they couldn’t handle his “over-activity.” However, he later joined the rescue team and found a place to put his energy!
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) honored this dog with an award. On October 12, 2021, Bear personally received the award for bravery at a ceremony in London. Such a good boy!