Grizzled Feral Cat Melts Over His New Little Brother

Residents of the U.S. spotted a stray cat near their home. It was in a bad condition, skinny, and with damaged ears. They started to feed him and put a cozy box near the house, where the cat often slept.
But it was getting colder, and the cat was freezing on the street. The family decided to help him, so they contacted an animal shelter and its workers rescued the cat from the street. A volunteer named Karen took on the task of caring for him.
The cat, named Nico, is elderly and had lived on the street for many years. He couldn’t see well and had been through a lot. Even so, he was very grateful to be given food and a warm home. At first, the cat was timid and closed, but over time he got used to his new environment.
Later they started to take him outside, and he became more active. One day the foster mom took another cat, Dewie, into her custody. The little one was also rescued from the street and they decided to introduce him to old Nico.
It was love at first sight. Nico fell in love with the baby as his own and began to take care of him. The kitten responded to him in mutual love, and they constantly spent time and played together. Thanks to the playful redhead, Nico himself remembered his youth!
For now, Nico lives with Karen – perhaps later she will find owners for him, or maybe she will keep him because she is so fond of him. Thank you kind people for saving the kitty!