Great Dane Breaks Misconceptions By Being The Best Foster Dad To Kittens

A German dog named Corbin lives in the United States with loving owners. His owner, Karen, often takes kittens from the shelter, and the dog always coddles them as if they were her own babies. He was also once rescued from a shelter and has since really grown.
Corbin was adopted by his owners five years ago when he was only eight months old. He was a very shy, shy puppy, but always got along well with other dogs and cats. Eventually, the owners managed to show him what true love was and then he began to give that love to the kittens as well.
“He was very shy, nervous and scared of many people. But he always loved other dogs and cats”,-the owner says.
Now Corbin takes care of all the babies that the owner takes in. At first, the owner thought that because of his huge size, the dog might accidentally harm the kittens, but in time she became convinced otherwise and entrusted the babies to Corbin. The 70-pound giant treats them gently and tenderly, paying attention to each of them.
“Corbin is the most laid-back love bug. He is extremely relaxed and very friendly. He loves to be outside and go for walks. We recently moved to a new house and we have 30 acres of forest, meadows, streams, and ponds. One of his favorite things to do is just go for a walk. Sometimes he’ll lope around the property like an uncoordinated foal – all legs. But he’s so joyful. It’s adorable.”
“He also really enjoys other animals. He will play with any other dog and any cat that allows him to. He is also very interested in other animals like rabbits and squirrels. He doesn’t chase them. He just gets excited to see them. He obviously loves fostering little kittens and gets very excited when we have young ones in the house. He also loves the water. He loves fetching sticks that I throw into the lake or Pond. He gets so much joy running around the beach and playing in the water.”